::: iChennai :::
A Free and Complete Directory of Great Chennai - Chennai Directory - Chennai Yellow Pages:::
A BETA version of iChennai - a chennai directory is built and published starting today.
We believe, for all your chennai directory needs, this would be very helpful.
As we have specified, the website iChennai.com - A Free Chennai Directory is in BETA. That means - there would be errors. If you find it, please let us know and we will fix it. This is a FREE non-profit service to Chennai community and business people.
In order for your Chennai Business to improve, any updates to the directory can be sent to chennaitimes@gmail.com
Thank you
Hai Machan, the site iChennai seems to have more details which was difficult to find. Sometimes i even searched for some utility numbers which i was not able to find anywhere. I got those numbers here. But One thing is that, some numbers seems to be old. I am not blaming Machan, but this needs some constant updation. :-)