Saturday, July 8, 2006

Traffic congestion poses continuous problem in the Temple City Chennai

Narrow roads, encroachments and increasing number of automobiles are posing heavy traffic congestion in Chennai city. This problem becomes worse when police block roads during VIP visits.

Whenever a VIP convoy passes through, all roads in the VIP route are blocked. Diversions are made, forcing the vehicle users to take circuitous routes. School vehicles, public carriers and even ambulances get stuck, during VIP visits.

A senior police official said that blocking traffic cannot be done as a matter of rule in any case, other than the visits of the President, Prime Minister and those covered under Special Protection Group (SPG) and 'Z-Plus' category of security cover. He said that even in such cases traffic should be allowed along one way (in the opposite direction) if there is a median. He added that though there is no specific guideline on blocking traffic, they are usually clearing the road for the convoy, considering the threat perceptions and intelligence inputs.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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